General Information
There are a number of ways in which you can contact RIEDEL:
- Submit a contact form via our Contact page.
- Send us an email at
- Call us on 0043 5372 64896
Business hours Mon. - Fri. 9AM - 2PM CET
Open for you all year round from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and from 13:00 pm - 17:30 pm.
Please note that our team is not available on holidays.
Our museums are open from Monday to Friday, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:30 am - 1:00 pm.
Please note that our stores are closed on public holidays.
Our Factory Tour is open Monday to Friday from 9:30am - 4:00pm.
Please note that our glass blowers are not available on public holidays and bank holidays.
Please note that the factory will be closed on the following dates:
- May 2, 2025
- May 30, 2025
- June 20, 2025
- July 21 to August 17, 2025
Yes, you can experience our production & museum on a guided tour.
Public tours: 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. only MO-FR (meeting point: 5 minutes before, in the store)
For individual/private group tours (minimum 10 people, only MO-FR), please contact
Please be aware that there will be no guided tours on the following days, as the factory will be closed:
- May 2, 2025
- May 30, 2025
- June 20, 2025
- from July 21 to August 17, 2025.
RIEDEL Flagship Store & Outlet
Weissachstraße 30, 6330 Kufstein, Austria
Phone: 05372 64896901
Our Flagship Store & Outlet is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 am - 6:00 pm and Saturdays from 09:30 am - 2:00 pm.
Please note that our stores are closed on public holidays.
리델 메일을 구독하시면 최신 제품, 이벤트 및 뉴스를 계속 받을 수 있습니다. 또한 페이스북, 인스타그램, 링크드인, 핀터레스트 및 유튜브에서 리델을 팔로우 해보세요.
경력 섹션을 방문해 주시면, 채용에 관한 최신 목록을 확인할 수 있습니다. 또한 이력서와 함께 personal@riedel.com에 이메일로 지원서를 제출하실 수 있습니다.
모든 사용자는 개인 정보를 등록하지 않고 웹 사이트를 탐색할 수 있지만, 계정을 만들고 메일 구독 옵션을 선택하면 리델 소식을 받게 됩니다.
Help me with
Product related questions
webshop@riedel.com로 이메일을 보내시거나 연락처 페이지를 통해 고객 서비스에 문의하시기 바랍니다. 고객님께서 가장 좋아하는 제품을 빨리 식별하기 위해서는 다양한 정보가 필요합니다. 아래 질문들에 답변해 주시기 바랍니다.
+제품을 언제 구입했습니까?
+시리즈나 글라스의 이름을 알고 계십니까?
+글라스 바닥판에 하나 이상의 브랜드 표시가 있습니까?
+RIEDEL 로고가 굵은 글씨체로 인가요? 아니면 필기체 인가요?
+품명을 확인하기 위해서는 높이, 마우스 림의 직경, 베이스 지름 등의 정보가 필요합니다.
+해당 제품의 사진도 함께 보내주시기 바랍니다.
구입하려는 제품을 찾기 어렵다면 연락처 페이지, 0043 5372 64896(영업시간 %%CESS-EMAIL%%) 또는영업시간 %%CESS-PHONE%%)으로 이메일을 통해 고객 서비스를 받으시기 바랍니다.
Please see our glass cleaning guide: Glass Care & Use
다음 디캔터에는 디캔터 디자인에 따라 병 클리너가 끼이거나 디캔터가 손상될 수 있으므로 사용할 수 없습니다: 아얌, 아마데오, 이브, 에스카르고, 컬리, 보아, 블랙타이, 맘바, 혼, 티롤, 와인윙스, 스완, 페이스 투 페이스, 비티스.
프라이스북에서 판매되는 디캔터만 여기에 나열되어 있습니다. 제품 카테고리에서 디캔터 목록을 찾을 수 있지만 제품 상세 페이지에 표시되지 않는 경우 고객 서비스에 문의하시기 바랍니다.
저희 디캔터 세척 가이드를 확인해 주세요: 글라스 케어 및 사용
대부분의 RIEDEL 글라스는 식기세척기의 사용이 가능하며, 적절하게 적재하여 세척했을 때 광택이나 선명도에 대한 변화없이 최소 1,000회 이상의 식기세척기를 사용할 수 있습니다. 식기세척기의 안전성은 EN 12875-1:2005 및 EN 12875-2:2001을 참조하여 테스트되었습니다.
%%BRAND %% 글라스에 "손세척 전용", "식기세척기 사용불가" 라벨이 붙어 있거나, 케이스에 관리/청소 지침을 표시하지 않은 경우 식기세척기 사용 시 안전하지 않으므로 손세척이 필요하다는 것을 나타냅니다.
식기 세척기에 글라스를 넣을때는, 유리잔이 서로 닿거나 다른 식기류와 닿지 않도록 잘 정돈되어 있는지 확인하세요.
식기세척기 사용이 가능한 경우 글라스 전용 랙을 사용하세요. 이 랙은 글라스가 움직이지 않도록 지지해 줍니다.
+얼룩이나 투명도 저하를 방지하기위해 미네랄함량이 적은 물을 사용합니다.
+스크래치 방지: 글라스가 다른 유리나 금속에 닿지 않도록 합니다.
+표면의 얼룩을 제거하기 위해 화이트 식초에 글라스를 담그세요.
자세한 내용은 당사의 글라스 케어 및 사용을 참조하시기 바랍니다.
2015년부터 %%BRANC%%는 산화납을 주원료로 사용하지 않는 투명하면서도 고품질인 크리스탈 글라스를 독점 생산하고 있습니다.
무향 세제를 사용해 끓는 온도에서 세탁하세요(세균을 죽이기 위해). 60도에서 세탁기로 세탁하세요.
극세사 세탁물을 세탁할 때 섬유 유연제를 사용하면 유리 표면에 유막을 남길 수 있으므로 사용하지 마세요.
* 주의 극세사 세탁물은 회전식 건조기에 넣지 마세요.
Help me with
My Order
Please contact our customer service through the contact form or by email:, including the order number, order date, the best way to contact you and a photo of the broken item. Our customer service team will contact you directly after a detailed check.
If you are interested in a product or service that is not currently stocked in our webstore, please contact our customer service team. Please be aware that there may be set minimum order quantities for a special order item.
Yes, we offer gift wrapping. This option can be chosen in the check out. Click on the gift wrapping option at the items you want to be wrapped. Please note this service will be charged.
help me with
Payments, Promotions or Gift Vouchers
Help me with
Returns and Refunds
Help me with
Delivery and Shipment
Help me with
my Account and other technical questions
When you register to the RIEDEL Shop you will be a member of MYRIEDEL. Creating a MYRIEDEL account will enable you to:
- Follow your online orders, access your purchase history and e-receipts
- Manage your personal information
- Save your personal wishlist for access on any device
- Get special offers for the online shop
Subscribing to our newsletter is quick and easy. You can either subscribe directly via the subscription form or in your order process.
You will get a confirmation email from our end. To confirm your subscription, click on the link provided in the email. Please note, this email may take some time to reach you and could appear in your spam or junk folder. Once your subscription has been confirmed, you will receive our newsletters.
To prevent our newsletter from going to your spam or junk folder, add the mailing address to your address book.
You have several options to unsubscribe from our newsletter. You can unsubscribe directly from the newsletter at the bottom of each newsletter with the unsubscribe link. Or you contact our customer service team through the contact form or write an email to
According to our Privacy Notice, your credentials are secured on our website, and we will never use them for any purpose.
If Google recommends changing your password on our website, this is not related to us. This is a Google Chrome feature that verifies if the password for all websites you log in to has been part of any known breach. When you log in to our website, Google Chrome possibly noticed the password or username you are using, are potentially exposed in one of the known data breaches. Please visit Google security blog for more information.
We suggest that you try the following:
Delete your cookies
You may need to delete your cookies. A cookie is a small file we store on your computer to let us know who you are next time you visit us (for more information about cookies, click here). Please note that if you have added items to your bag or in your 'Saved items' section while not logged in, you'll need to make a note of the product name/code as deleting your cookies could clear this history. On most internet browsers you can delete your cookies using 'Tools' or 'History'.
Restart your browser
Once you've cleared your cookies, close your browser, reopen it and visit our site again. You should be able to use it without any more problems.
Update your operating system
We also suggest that you use the latest version of your operating system provider e.g. Windows, Mac OSX, etc.
If you're still having problems, contact our customer service team.
The RSN Groupe is committed to making its websites accessible to all individuals. Please review our Accessibility Statement.
We're sorry if you're having trouble with our mobile site. If our desktop site is appearing on your device instead of our mobile site, please find more details below.
Most technical issues can be resolved by clearing your browser's cache and cookies. You'll also need to make sure that you accept our cookies. If you're not sure how to clear your mobile browser's cache and cookies, please read more below.
Our desktop site should automatically load on desktops and tablet devices when visiting our website. If you're seeing our desktop site on your mobile device, there's a few things we'd recommend checking:
Delete your cookies and cache. If you're not sure how to clear your mobile browser's cache and cookies, please read more below. We also suggest that you use the latest version of your operating system provider e.g. Windows, OSX etc.
If you're still having problems, contact our customer service team.
iOS - Safari
If you're using Safari on an iOS device, press the ‘Home’ button and go to ‘Settings’. You'll see Safari listed with some other apps. Simply select ‘Safari’ and then select ‘Clear History’ and ‘Clear Cookies and Data’. Once you've done this, simply open up Safari again and go to our website.
iOS – Chrome
If you're using Chrome on an iOS device, open up the Chrome app and press the menu button in the top-right corner (it's three lines one under the other). Select Settings and then Privacy on the next screen. You'll then see the options to clear your cache and cookies. Once you've done this, simply close and reopen Chrome again and go to our website.
If you're using an Android device, then with your browser open, press the Menu button. Select Clear Browsing Data and then Privacy on the next screen. You'll see a pop up where you can select the data you want to clear. Tick the relevant boxes and press the clear button.
If your operating system or browser is not listed please check out your browser's support documents which you can most likely find online.