Perfetta per un pic-nic al lago dal sapore italiano
Sorprenda i Suoi cari o i Suoi amici con un bel picnic sul lago e con una deliziosa e soffice focaccia.
Questa ricetta vegana è semplice da preparare e può essere insaporita a piacere. Pomodori secchi o freschi, basilico, cipolle, aglio: non ci sono limiti alla fantasia.
Focaccia is an Italian flatbread typically flavored with olive oil, herbs, and spices. It is the most popular type of bread in Italy and is widely enjoyed in other countries. Originating in the Liguria region of Italy, it is believed to have been around since the 15th century. The modern focaccia is made with flour, yeast, water, olive oil, salt, and herbs. The dough is flattened out and topped with olive oil, herbs, and other ingredients.
Today, focaccia is usually served as an appetizer or side dish but can also be used as a pizza base or sandwich bread. It is a versatile bread that can be enjoyed in various ways. Whether you enjoy it plain or topped with your favorite ingredients, focaccia is sure to please.