World of Wine

Spirit and Cocktail Glasses

up close woman holding a cocktail in RIEDEL Drink Specific Glassware and smelling the aroma

In this blog, we dive into why using specific glasses for your favorite spirits and cocktails will make them look, smell, and taste better.

Bringing the best out of spirits and cocktails

We regularly - and enthusiastically - preach about how the size and shape of your wine glass can transform your wine's aroma and flavor. But the concept of purpose-specific glassware design doesn't just apply to wine - the size and shape of your glass are crucial for your enjoyment of spirits and cocktails, too. Your cocktail or spirit glass's structure determines its primary function, allowing you to utilize features such as large-format ice, and can even alter your beverage's aromas and temperature.


Why use specific glasses for different spirits and cocktails?

There are a few factors, but a major reason for using different-shaped glasses for your spirits and cocktails is to accommodate their size and needs. Some cocktails use lots of mixer, some require a lot of ice, some are very low-volume, spirit-forward cocktails, and so on. Each style demands a different glass that is sized appropriately and can accommodate components like ice or garnish. To help illustrate this, here are some examples of RIEDEL spirit and cocktail glasses with explanations for how we engineer them for their specific purpose.


RIEDEL Drink Specific Glassware Highball Glass


RIEDEL Drink Specific Glassware Rocks Glass


RIEDEL Drink Specific Glassware Double Rocks Glass

neat glass filled with a cocktail garnished with a zest, the bartender pushes the glass to the guest

RIEDEL Drink Specific Glassware Neat Glass


RIEDEL Drink Specific Glassware Sour Glass


RIEDEL Vinum Single Malt Whisky


RIEDEL Extreme Martini


RIEDEL Superleggero Spirits

We hope you enjoyed that breakdown of how, like our wine glasses, our various cocktail and spirit glasses are precision-engineered to perform a specific function. So, consider which cocktails and spirits you enjoy the most, pick the optimal glasses for those drinks, and take that enjoyment up a notch.