
RIEDEL Tumbler 系列


RIEDEL Tumbler Collection 平底杯系列带您踏上时尚格调之旅,是为鸡尾酒和烈酒爱好者量身订制的必入款。该系列最初于 2018 年推出,以其杯身精美、杯底稳重的设计拥抱 "复古 "潮流,吸引了众多高品味爱好者。

该系列中的每一件作品都体现了多功能和优雅设计,迎合了现代鉴赏家对时尚和内涵的孜孜追求。设计灵感来源于魅力四射的新艺术时期,与 RIEDEL 经典朴素的葡萄酒杯形成鲜明对比,令人赏心悦目。探索RIEDEL 平底杯系列的永恒吸引和独特魅力,每只酒杯都为您讲述过去,带您品鉴当下。

Ignite Your Senses


RIEDEL Fire平底杯是乔治-里德尔(Georg Riedel)设计的一款刻有烈焰熊熊燃烧图案的酒杯。是威士忌爱好者的完美之选,浓烈艺术气息与实用性融为一体,让每一口饮品无穷回味。

Effortless Elegance, Perfectly In-Hand

Optical O

Optical O 系列平底杯采用独特的棱纹设计,续写 "O "系列的成功故事。是鸡尾酒和软饮的理想选择,吸睛造型提升您的品鉴体验。

Where Light and Design Intertwine

RIEDEL Shadows

RIEDEL Shadows 平底杯的设计灵感为簇簇光束组成的明暗倒影。光线从明亮转为黑暗,再从黑暗转为明亮。将现代风格与实用主义融为一体,是鸡尾酒和烈酒的灵动选择。

A Tribute to Timeless Whisky Tradition


Spey 系列以著名苏格兰河流命名,宽阔的杯内面积,是饮用苏格兰威士忌的理想之选。其经典设计和稳健杯底使其成为鉴赏家必备的经典酒杯。

The Jewel of the Collection

RIEDEL Laudon Tumbler

At the heart of the Tumbler Collection lies RIEDEL Laudon Tumbler, a true statement of luxury. With its intricate cut-crystal design and rich jewel tones, the RIEDEL Laudon Tumblers evoke a sense of timeless glamour. Inspired by the elegance of classic glassware, each piece reflects light beautifully, creating a dazzling effect that enhances every sip.

The RIEDEL Laudon series offers versatility in two sizes:

  • The RIEDEL Laudon Tumbler - perfect for whisky, spirits, soft drinks, and water.
  • The RIEDEL Laudon Highball Glass - designed for long drinks and cocktails.

Celebrate the art of fine drinkware with the timeless appeal of RIEDEL Laudon—a seamless blend of tradition and contemporary flair. Machine-made in crystal glass, each tumbler is sold as a single piece, ensuring exclusivity and elegance. Please note that these glasses are not dishwasher safe and should be hand-washed to preserve their brilliance.


探索RIEDEL彩色世界,浏览所有彩色装饰的产品 - 从优雅的酒杯到引人注目的平底杯和独家醒酒器。