World of Wine

Water Glasses

RIEDEL Happy O glassware in front of decanter

Liquid life, Adam's ale, blue gold - water has many nicknames that underline a crucial point: it's important to drink plenty of it! Not only that, but water can also enhance your wine-drinking experience, and you can elevate things further by using quality crystal glassware. With that in mind, here are some timely reminders of the benefits of enjoying a cold glass of water alongside your wine, some tips on setting up your water and wine glasses at a table, plus recommended glassware to maximize the enjoyment of each sip.

Elevating every glass

Drinking water alongside your wine

You've likely heard of the importance of staying adequately hydrated and how we should roughly aim to drink 2 to 2.5 liters of water daily. But how can a simple glass of water alongside your wine contribute to your wine experience?

  • It helps to keep you hydrated throughout your wine sipping. Wine, particularly wines with a higher alcohol content, is a diuretic, meaning it causes your body to expel fluid more quickly, which can lead to dehydration. Sipping a glass of water with your wine or between glasses will help you replenish lost fluid and limit consequences of dehydration, such as 'wine headache' and fatigue.
  • It helps clean your mouth. Red wine, in particular, can stain your teeth and lips - ever heard the term 'wine teeth?' Drinking water and swirling it around your mouth in between sips of wine can help wash away any potential stains left by the wine. Drinking water also helps you produce saliva, which plays a significant role in keeping your mouth clean.
  • It can assist in drinking in moderation. At RIEDEL, we believe that good wine is a joy, but we also believe in enjoying it responsibly in moderation. By alternating between water and wine, you can slow down the rate at which you drink alcohol, promoting more mindful and moderate consumption.

So, having a glass of water with your glass of wine can be an excellent way of promoting responsible wine enjoyment. Just remember to sip your water and wine from separate glasses; each wine is made to have a particular structure and quality, and you change all of this when you dilute your wine with water.

set table with Riedel wine glasses

Setting your table with water glasses

Believe it or not, when it comes to sitting down to enjoy some water alongside your wine, there is an etiquette you can follow if you wish. If you're sitting down for a meal, this would mean placing your water glass slightly above and to the right of your plate, roughly around where 1 and 2 o'clock appears on a clock face. Your glass of wine then goes slightly above and to the right of your water glass.

While not essential, setting your table correctly can help to shape the feeling of an occasion if you're playing host, showing your friends that you're willing to pay attention to the finer details as a show of appreciation for them. For further information on setting your table for any occasion, check out our blog, which focuses on preparing the perfect table setting.

The 5 Best RIEDEL Water Glasses

Maximize your water enjoyment with beautiful glassware


Other ways to enjoy your water more

A helpful way to help any good habit to stick is to make it as enjoyable as possible. Besides using our RIEDEL water glasses, some other ways you can make your water drinking more enjoyable include:

  • Adding garnish. A simple slice of lemon can give your drink some added color, visual appeal, and an extra touch of flavor to tantalize multiple senses.
  • Chilling it. A little ice can turn a dull, room-temperature glass of water into a chilled, refreshing glass of joy. And since it's just frozen water, you're not making your water any less pure!
  • Switching to sparkling. Sparkling water can divide opinions, but a little effervescence can make a simple glass of water more exciting and enjoyable for those who enjoy the fun a little fizz brings.